Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Super Mario Bros. Wii: 5-Castle -- Walking the Dog

I got an Ice Flower and climbed up the rotating grate wheels. I once again have to dodge fire, this time green. I lost the Ice Flower to a Podoboo and fell in the lava.

Take 2- I used a Super Shroom and lost it to a Podoboo, but got another one. This was good because I found a Helishroom. I use it to get the 1st Star Coin. I lose my Helishroom to a Podoboo and die from a bad wall jump.

Take 3- I use a Super Shroom, get an Ice Flower, and fall in the lava.

Take 4- I get a Super Shroom and a Helishroom, which I lose to the green fire. I die from another bad wall jump.

Take 5- I get a Super Shroom and a Helishroom. I lose it to the green fire and fall in the lava.

Take 6- I get the Shrooms, reach the midgate and find some springy green checkered blocks. I reach the boss door. Iggy is sitting in a saucer-like object chained to a Chain Chomp. Kamek's magic makes the Chomp grow bigger. The Chomp will move along, dragging the saucer around a rectangular path. After hitting Iggy, he does not go in to a shell cycle, but the Chomp becomes enraged, turns red, and starts lunging around the room, while Iggy sits upside down. I get in the last 2 hits, but I lose my Shrooms. After Iggy is defeated, Mario chases the airship saying "Stop!"

This is the second level where I have had to re-evaluate my strategy for defeating the Koopalings. Normally, my strategy is to get in a hit, and then hit them after they stop spinning in their shells, preferably before they can use their magic wands again. I had to re-evaluate the strategy in 4-Castle, because it was impossible to stomp Wendy O. while she was under water. My strategy also needed re-evaluation in 5-Castle, because Iggy does not spin in his shell at all and you have to dodge the Chomp instead. My strategy seems to always work in the Forts. Let's see if I need to make any changes for 6-Castle and 7-Castle.

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