Monday, November 22, 2010

Boo Moon Galaxy - Green Star 3

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
This was a little more difficult to get. I took 2 hits from Boos and launched. I heard the Star, but it's not near the musical notes. I got 3-up, but fell in the goop.
Take 2- I was looking for the Star I heard, but fell in the goop.
Take 3- I fell in the goop.
Take 4- I got 3-up and fell in the goop.
Take 5- I got 3-up and found the Star over the pop-up area. While trying to get the Star, I jumped off.
Take 6- See Take 4.
Take 7- I got 3-up and launched twice to the pop-up area. This may take a few tries, but to get the Star, climb on top of the roof and long jump towards the Star and spin. This is a Type 1, Type 3 Star.
Green Star Get #74!
Star Get #194, 5894 Star Bits, 2415 Coins, 30 Lives

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