Friday, November 5, 2010

Bowser Jr.'s Fiery Flotilla - Green Star 2

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
This Star was a little tricky to find. On my first try, I passed it entirely, ending up on the planet where you battle Gobblegut. I returned to the map to try again.
Take 2- I approach the Thwomp and I think I hear the Star. Unfortunately, I died trying to backflip onto the Thwomp.
Take 3- I found the Star on the planet with the lava after the first Sling Star. The Star is between "solar" flares. Despite having a Life Shroom, I died from the lava.
Take 4- I got the Life Shroom again. I long jumped from where the Launch Star is and spun to get the Star. This is a Type 1, Type 2 Star.
Green Star Get #18!
Star Get #138, Galaxy Complete!, 4159 Star Bits, 1979 Coins, 22 Lives
"World" 1 is complete, and we're just getting started! A gold crown appears on its map icon. To "World" 2!

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