Sunday, October 9, 2011

Beach Bowl Galaxy - The Secret Undersea Cavern

Welcome to the Galaxy!

We dive into the water after we land. We grab a shell and open up a chest for a 1-up. Next, we get a shell and face the spiraled rock. Throwing the shell at the rock breaks it, revealing a hidden cavern. It's quiet in here, with only the sound of dropping water. There are bats in this cave that will attack you. There are some crates by a fence in the cavern. Breaking the crates reveals a hole in the fence we can climb through. Past the fence is a stump, which we ground pound for a Launch Star.
We land on the Cyclone Stone, a spiral rock path over a cyclone of water continously flowing into a black hole. We don't want to fall in here. A remix of the underground theme plays. The main enemies we have to worry about are Thwomps and Tox Boxes, both of which will kill us instantly. We have to time going pass the Thwomps and observe the Tox Boxes' patterns, so we know which rock squares are safe because the Tox Box's alcove will protect us. We then must cross the rocks over the water, avoiding rocks that will push us off. Once we make it to the other side, the rock path continues, with some disappearing green tiles with a 1-up as safe zones in case our timing is off. At the end of the path, the Star awaits, trapped in crystal.
Star Get #31, 8 Coins, 1473 Star Bits, 14 Lives

We throw a shell at the spiral rock and enter the cavern. We launch to the Cyclone Stone after ground-pounding the stump past the fence. We reach the other side of the Cyclone Stone and get a 1-up, then the Star.
Star Get #31, 7 Coins, 1324 Star Bits, 31 Lives

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