Saturday, August 28, 2010

Supermassive Galaxy - Big Wigglers Speed Run

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
We have to reach the flagpole in 2:30 minutes. I died from a bad jump to the 1-up.
Take 2- I get the 1-up, but am knocked in the black hole by the Paragoomba.
Take 3- I got a 1-up but was squished by a Thwomp.
Take 4- I got a 100 Star Bit 1-up but made a bad long jump on the Wiggler stone with 30 seconds left.
Take 5- See Take 3.
Take 6- I got a 1-up, but made a bad jump to the moving platform. I give up at this point and continue later.
Take 7- I take a hit from the Piranha Plant and get the 1-up, but died from the Thwomp.
Take 8- See Take 3.
Take 9- I got a 1-up, took 2 hits from the Goomba, and make a bad jump on the Wiggler stone.
Take 10- I got stuck trying to take out the Koopas. I lost a lot of time because I kept missing. I got the 1-up, but ran out of time before I reached the stone.
Take 11- I got the 1-up. I saved myself on the platforms and made it to the Star with 5 seconds left.
Star Get #86, Galaxy Complete!, 809 Star Bits, 1526 Coins, 16 Lives

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