Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Super Mario Bros.: 4-2

This level takes us away from the purple water to an area with lots of mushroom platforms. In this level, the purple mushrooms tilt to the side you're standing on. If you stand on one too long while it's tilting, you will slide off. At the end of a ledge, a brick block has a 1-up. We get hte first Star Coin by wall jumping. The second Star Coin is nearby, so make a purple mushroom tilt so you can reach it. There are Red Coins in this level. There is another ledge with a brick block. Tilt a mushroom so you can go under the brick block to hit it for a vine. This will take you to the third Star Coin, obtainable once you hit another block with a vine. The pipe will return you to the main level. There is a tilting mushroom just before the flagpole.

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