Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Super Mario Bros. 2: Star-Castle

It's time for the final level! We've defeated Bowser and the Koopalings, so who could be in this castle? It's not Bowser Jr. We start the level and the Koopalings appear in the Clown Copter. We know what to do here: hide when the eyes start flashing to avoid being turned into stone. We have to climb tightropes and avoid the saws. Climb on the grates quickly from cover to cover. The first Moon Coin is on a low grate over the lava. The second Moon Coin is over donut lifts over the lava. Your cover is above the Moon Coin, on the tightrope over the spikes. Drop down carefully when the coast is clear, then quickly move to cover. Eventually, you'll reach the door to the midpoint. Dodge the saws appearing from below. The door at the end leads to a snake platform. The Koopalings reappear, so now you have to seek cover while the floor's moving. Sometimes, you'll have to jump for cover. The third Moon Coin is over a saw and grate and appears while you're moving past it. Move quickly to reach the tightrope to get it and return to the snake platform. The snake will dive into the lava, so stay towards the middle so you see it coming. It will reappear a short distance away. The snake platform will eventually loop under the boss door, so get off. The door will lead to the midpoint, which looks similar to the one in Bowser's Castle. Get the items you need; I recommend two Super Leaves. Go up the stairs and dodge blue flames this time. Once you reach the end, you come face to face with the boss: Dry Bowser. Peach isn't here. The battle is almost the same as Bowser's, but with differently-colored flames and he throws bones instead of hammers. Run when he jumps so you can hit the switch and make him disappear. The platforms from Bowser's battle reappear. The Koopalings revive Dry Bowser and get knocked away. From this point forward, almost everything is the same as in the Bowser battle: his eyes will glow and he'll knock away the platforms in the area you're in. Once you reach the top, hit the ? Switch and he'll fall. A victory fanfare plays. We're done!

Coin Total: 68,771
We get a couple of messages: "There is a new world available in the Star Pack in Coin Rush" and "You've collected every Moon Coin in the game!" We now have three sparkling stars on our file. It's over, right? There's just one thing I never found in my first run through.

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