The title gives us a clue: we need the island to be huge to get the Star. This mission gave me a lot of trouble due to a pesky long-jump and some gusts. The Goombas here are enormous. Ground-pounding them gives you a Blue Coin. If we go through the doorway-like hole through the wall and end up in the water. Be careful in the water, as there is a large fish that will gobble Mario up whole. To the left is some sand and a Lakitu, straight ahead is a grassy area with a cannon and a Fly Guy. There is a gap between here and the next area, with a platform in between. We must long-jump to the platform, then let the gust carry us to the bridge attached to the island. This is how I died thirteen times. Now is a good time as any to get 100 Coins. There are lots of Goombas to give you Blue Coins, as well as a Koopa that gives a Blue Coin as well. Over the beach is a bridge into the cave. There we found Red Coins, as well as a Blue Coin Switch.
Star Get #98, 101 Coins, 4 Lives
Past the bridge in the gusty area is another warp pipe, and another bridge, where the gusts will try to push you towards the island and off the bridge. At the end of the bridge are more metal balls and a warp pipe. This will bring you near the platform with the Piranhas, which is on the other side of the wall. We must climb up grassy steps to another bridge, which leads to the top of the mountain. Before you reach the peak, there is an item block which contains the Star.
Star Get #99, 16 Coins, 4 Lives
Nintendo DS
I decided to enter the smaller painting to make getting the Star easier. I climbed the tree and jumped over the wall. I used the warp pipe to shrink and climbed up the grassy steps, dodging a purple enemy. I crossed the bridge to the item block at the top of the island. The item block has the Star.
Star Get #121, 8 Coins, 3 Lives
To get 100 Coins, I used the larger painting. I got lots of coins from the Goombas. Lakitu gives out five coins and the Koopa gives out a Blue Coin. I slid off the top of the island with over 60 coins.
Take 2- I got Blue Coins from the Goombas and Koopa, and coins from Lakitu and the Fly Guys. Before I entered the cave, I had 80 coins. I got the Blue Coins from the Blue Coin Switch, as well as 3 Red Coins, so the Star appeared.
Star Get #122, 101 Coins, 5 Lives
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