This mission is unique to the Nintendo DS.
The first Red Coin is over the abyss that the grate crosses. Before we get it, we get the Wario cap. Once across the abyss, we get the Metal Cap from the Power Flower. We cross the narrow strip of ice through the gusting winds. There is a black brick block on the other side. This time, it contains a Star.
Star Get #91, 11 Coins, 7 Coins
After getting the secret Star, we get the Metal Cap to go back. The second Red Coin is in the center of a square formation of coins. The gust will pick you up into the coins. I stood slightly off center to get the Red Coin. If you miss, jump back into the abyss to let the gust pick you up and put you on the ledge again. The ledge is much higher than the pond you land in. The third Red Coin is over the pond, closer to the abyss. A Bully knocked me into the abyss.
Take 2- I got the first three Red Coins as Luigi. The fourth is in the middle of the platform with the Bullies. The fifth and sixth ones are over the second and fourth moving ice blocks, respectively. If we climb partway up the mountain, we will find a Power Flower. As Luigi, we can use it to get the Red Coin in the cage at the base of the mountain, near the moving ice blocks. I carefully jumped down the mountain and got it. Around the corner is Mario's cap. With the Power Flower, we can float to the large piece of ice where the last Red Coin is. There is another Power Flower for the return flight. The Star appears near where you got Mario's cap.
Star Get #92, 31 Coins, 6 Lives
Exit the course when you're done.
The next Stars are the Red Coins and Switch Star of The Secret Under the Moat.
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