Monday, December 19, 2011

Sea Slide Galaxy - Hurry, He's Hungry

Welcome to the Galaxy!
There are Silver Stars in the galaxy, but that's not what we're after. We go over to the newly finished cannon where we find a hungry Luma who wants 40 Star Bits. He transforms into another disappearing green tile planet and we use the cannon to reach it. When we land, we find musical notes that play a scale. We must collect them all. I decided to collect the musical notes in triangles, but messed up and had to long-jump to reach another set before the tiles disappeared. Once we collect all of the musica notes, the black hole in the center of the planet becomes a Star with its own gravity.
Star Get #73, 2736 Star Bits, 10 Lives

This time was much harder for me. We fed the hungry Luma and launched to the planet using the cannon. I fell in the black hole 6 times before successfully collecting all of the musical notes. My strategy was a bit more refined: I picked a side and only went to triangles at right angles, covering one half, then long-jumped to the other half.
Star Get #73, 310 Star Bits, 34 Lives

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