Friday, April 18, 2014

Super Mario 3D World: Flower-12 -- Boss Blitz

It's time to take on the bosses in the Sprixie Kingdom. You'll start out in an area with 6 warp boxes, one of which is locked. You'll have to go through each warp box, defeat the boss, and you'll return here, with a Key Coin in place of the warp box you just went through. From left to right, the bosses are King Ka-Thunk, Pom Pom, two Hisstocrats at the same time, Boss Brolder, and Boom Boom. You'll want to deal with King Ka-Thunk, Pom Pom, and Boom Boom first, in whatever order you desire. Theses are quick boss fights and you won't need power-ups. Time management is key here. Once the battle is over, quickly warp out of there and ignore the coins. After those three, tackle Boss Brolder. This fight may take a little longer. After you beat Boss Brolder, the first Green Star will appear.

At the end, you'll fight two Hisstocrats at once. You'll want to get a Cat Suit and have one in reserve. If you're playing alone, pick either Peach or Luigi. When you stomp on one of the Hisstocrats, their extended jumps may allow you to hit the other one without touching the ground. This will be one of the longer fights, so try to take them out quickly and efficiently. The second Green Star will appear after you win. You'll want at least 100 seconds left after you beat them.

Once you unlock the warp box, it takes you to the last boss fight, Motley Bossblob. If you're still powered up and have at least 100 seconds left at the start of this fight, you should be okay. Grab the Double Cherries after he pounds the ground and chase after him. Once you defeat him, the third Green Star and a pipe appear, leading to a clock and the flagpole.

There are no stamps in World Flower.

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