Saturday, November 1, 2014

Super Paper Mario -- Chapter: 6-2

The castles are pink here. You may encounter Ninjoes on some stages.

26.  Grand Master Kickface- normal with a sword. He uses shockwaves.
27.  Soaring Cape- normal with a sword
28.  Yowling Yux- normal with a spike and sword
29.  Mystical Whistle- normal with a sword. He jumps.
30.  Laughing X-Naut- normal with a mace
31.  Dances on Turtles- normal with a sword
32.  Fathomless Chasm of Falling- normal with a sword. He uses shockwaves.
33. Thirsting Bones- normal with a spike and sword.
34.  Molten Panther- normal with a sword. He jumps.
35.  Peeking Boo- normal with a spike and mace
36.  Action Commander- normal with a sword. He uses shockwaves.
37.  Bullet Ill- normal with a spike and sword.
38.  Sliding Shell- tiny with a sword. He’s fast and he jumps.
39.  Software Pirate- normal with a sword. He uses shockwaves.
40.  Flailing Boom Boom- normal with a sword. He jumps.
41.  Sun of Displeasure- normal with a spike and sword. He jumps.
42.  Furious Fang of Goomba-normal with a mace
43.  Zesty Recipe- normal with a spike and a mace
44.  Warping Pipe- normal with a sword. He is rainbow-colored and he flips. Just keep breathing fire with Bowser and he’ll flip back to be defeated.
45.  Fruit in Belly- normal with sword. He uses shockwaves.
46.  Last Sheep- normal with a sword
47.  Infinity Shlurp Shlurp- normal with a spike and sword
48.  Spanner of Rock- normal with a spike and sword. He uses shockwaves.
49.  Star of Seven Shards- normal with a sword. He is rainbow-colored and he flips.
50.  Ice World- large with a spike and club.

The star is to the right. You can save now.

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