Welcome to the Galaxy!
We land on a hollow planet with many holes. If we fall through a hole, we'll be sucked into a black hole and lose a life. We wander around and find a yellow Luma, who says "Hi there! Good to see you! I have some bad news, though. See, I HAD a Launch Star all ready for you, but a Meteor smashed it up! You can't leave without it, so find all the Star Chips to fix it. Oh, and be sure not to fall in the black hole! Where are all those Star Chips?
We find a 1-up mushroom on a rock and get a message: "You earned one additional Mario!" Meteors rain down on the planet, which we have to dodge. We find the five Star Chips on rocks and in crystal. Once we get them all, a Launch Star over a rock appears and we launch to the next planet. We land on a round planet with an antenna and Goombas. We find a Luma in a cage, who says, "Get me out of here! One of those enemies should have the key! You can shake to spin them aroundand make them dizzy. Once they're stunned, just run into them!" We stomp a normal-looking Goomba for the key and the cage automatically opens. We approach the Luma, who says, "Thanks! Would you mind rescuing my buddy in that base up there, too? I'll transform into a Sling Star. Just jump into me afeter I... TRANSFORM!
We sling to the next planet, which is a larger version of the last planet with electric fences. There is another Luma trapped in cage, who gives us the same information on how to defeat enemies. Another Luma tells us to collect coins to restore health. On this planet is a giant Goomba. We can't stomp it, but we can spin and kick it. It's kind of springy and gives us the key. The freed Luma tells us to go down the pipe it's hovering over.
We are now inside the planet. The Luma there says, "We've been waiting for you!" He draws our attention to a Grand Star trapped in a machine (which makes it look bronze). "That's a Grand Star! We have to save it! They're using the Grand Star to power that awful machine. It looks like it's making... something. We have to do something before the Grand Star's power is drained. Quick! Find a way to stop that terrible machine! Please! Save the Grand Star before it's too late!"
We don't have a time limit, so don't worry. We have to clear all of the flipswitches, some of which are under the electric fences. I died once from the electric fences because I wasn't paying attention. Many flipswitches surround the Grand Star. We clear them all and the dome over the Grand Star disappears. The peaceful stars music plays. The Lumas thank us and tell us to get the Grand Star and bring it to Mama. We grab the Grand Star and the Grand Star music plays.
We got the big Star! The game is over, right? In Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, when you get a big Star or Shine Sprite, it means the game is over.
We fly around a dark Observatory and land on the deck. The Grand Star spins into the red beacon, making it bigger and orange. The Terrace, Garage, Fountain, deck, and Map light up. A star on the deck starts rotating.
Star Get #1, 9 Coins, 64 Star Bits, 6 Lives
We've discovered a new galaxy in the Terrace!
The black Luma, Polari, says, "The beacon is lit again!"
Rosalina says, "It shines weakly, maybe only as bright as a Class 6 star, but at leas the poor Lumas will survive. now. Oh, thank you for saving the Grand Star. These star people are my family... They mean so much to me. Welcome to the Comet Observatory. It's my home, and also home to the Lumas. You see, we travel the starry skies. We pass by this area once every one hundred years, but we suddenly stopped in front of this planet. A strange force had latched on to our ship, pulling away Star Bits and our power source, Power Stars. Our ship had lost power, so it entered a deep hibernation state in which it could not move. Those who took your special one picked up the Power Stars... And discovered the power to cross the universe. Please, I have a request... Thsi observatory uses Star Power to project images of the galaxies that are scattered across space. And... there is a chance we can use our few remaining stars to look for other Power Stars. These round rooms are called domes. We observe galazies from domes such as these. But the only one that is working now, powered by the Star Power you restored, is this one... the Terrace. Please go to the Terrace and try to recover the Power Stars from the galaxies you can see from there."
Polari continues, "If we do that, we'll be able to restore the Comet Observatory's ability to fly like a starship. Then perhaps we can pursue the thieves who ran off with the Power Stars.
We are then given the option to save. That was a little long, but in summation, the Observatory could fly around, but Bowser drew off the Power Stars, which the Observatory uses for fuel, so it's stuck for a while. The Power Stars is what allows Bowser to move through the universe. The Observatory needs more Power Stars so it can move again and we can get those Power Stars from galaxies. We can access different galaxies from the various domes on the Observatory, but we've only opened the Terrace so far. Unfortunately, the Observatory is much larger than Starship Mario and not as energy efficient, so it won't be zipping across the cosmos any time soon. Well, let's get started!
We can go in the dark areas of the Observatory, but can't access anything there. We wander around, getting a 1-up from the crate in the Garage. We can get a lot of them this way, as they regenerate if you go into a dome. We then go into the Terrace, as there really isn't much else to do now.
Polari appears in the dome. (He'll appear in all of the domes, and in front of the map.) He says, "Welcome! This dome acts as an eye of the observatory. From here, we can gae upon distant galaxies. Once this Luma transforms into a Pull Star, he will guide you to those far away galaxies. Simply point your cursor at the Pull Star and press (A)."
We use the Pull Stars to reach the top of the dome, where the view changes. We can see some galaxies and their orbits. Polari continues, "These are the galaxies that can be observed from this dome. The numbers represent their distance from the observatory. The bigger the number, the greater the distance. The more Power Stars you find, the farther you will be able to travel." Meaning the number on the galaxy is the number of Stars you need to collect to unlock it. Polari says, "Yes, it's undeniable! We're detecting Power Star energy patterns in the nearest galaxy. But I must warn you that the evil energy readings are off the charts! Please be careful..."
Now that we have all that information, let's get the next Power Stars!
We land on the same hollow planet with the Launch Star Chips. We get the 1-up, getting the message: "You earned one additional Luigi!" We get all of the Lauch Star Chips and launch to the next planet. We get the key to free the Luma and sling to the next planet. We take out the giant Goomba and free the Luma. We clear the flipswitches and free the Grand Star. Luigi says "Star!" when he gets a Grand Star.
Star Get #1, 43 Coins, 23 Star Bits, 5 Lives
The beacon lights up and the Terrace and Fountain Domes light up. We get the same dialogue from Polari and Rosalina. We get a 1-up from the crate and head into the Terrace Dome. Let's go!
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