Saturday, August 27, 2011

Space Junk Galaxy - Yoshi's Unexpected Appearance

Welcome to the Galaxy!
We land on a yellow Starshroom. Red Toad directs us to a planet, but we won't be going there just yet. We hop on the red Starshroom and use a Pull Star to the crystal planet. Beyond that is a Pull Star path to a glass sphere planet. On it is a hungry Luma. He wants 50 Star Bits, so we go inside to get the remaining 8 we need. He transforms into a planet shaped like Yoshi's head. Some calm music called Space Fantasy. There are several Goombas here. We have to stomp all of them for the Star. We can combo stomp them. If we get a combo of at least 8, we'll get a 1-up. There are no coins here, so you can die from the Goombas or the steam vents in Yoshi's nose. I died twice, but did get a max combo of 8. The Star appears once all Goombas are defeated.
Star Get #12, 1278 Star Bits, 20 Lives

We land on the main deck of the Observatory. Rosalina says, "'Oh...' It seems that a Prankster Comet has appeared somewhere... Prankster Comets have very stange effects on galaxies. If you want to learn more about theses curious comets, ask the Luma who knows about such things." A purple Luma appears waving two star wands. He says, "Hey! HO! If you need to know anything about Prankster Comets, I'm your Luma! How can I help? Tell me more!/ Move it!" We ask him to tell us more. He continues, "That Prankster Comet is always stirring up trouble, making galaxies go all crazy... Speedy Comets limit the amount of time you can spend there. Daredevil Comets leave with low life. Cosmic Comets make you race a mirror of yourself. Fast Foe Comets make our enemies move faster. Now the fun part is trying each one out!"
I beg to differ on that last statement. If you chose "Move it", he'll move the comets around for 20 Star Bits, if what's available does not suit you. These comets will be a thorn in your side throughout the game.

We gather the 50 Star Bits the hungry Luma wants. After taking a hit from a spider, we feed the Luma to make the Yoshi planet appear. We get in a max combo of 6 and get the Star.
Star Get #13, 4 Coins, 899 Star Bits, 43 Lives

The Prankster Comet has appeared.

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