Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Super Mario Bros. 2: 1-Fort

Our first Fort of the game. There are some new enemies here wearing skulls. They're otherwise like other enemies. We get a Raccoon Leaf and use a snake platform to get up. There are snake platforms near many platforms. There is a hidden 1-up under the Red Coin Ring. Go to the left for the first Star Coin. Avoid being crushed by the snake platform below it. Above is the midpoint and a door. You'll find snake platforms moving into a gap to the right. Go into that gap to find a yellow pipe. It will take you outside to a snake platform staircase and the Red Goal. This opens path to World 1's cannon. If you do not go to the Red Goal, there are snake platforms over the door. They allow you to reach a red pipe on the left. There's a P-Switch in the room that makes Silver Coins appear within the snake platforms. The Silver Coins are only a distraction, however. Once you hit the P-Switch, quickly go to the platform above the snake platforms. Here, you'll find brick blocks that allow you to reach the second Star Coin. You must collect the Star Coin before the timer runs out, as it will disappear. It's a tricky one to find. Keep climbing and you'll find the third Star Coin surrounded by a snakeplatform and guarded by a skulled Piranha Plant. Approach with caution. Take the snake platform above to the boss door. This game's Mini Boss is Reznor, first seen in Super Mario World. It's standing on item blocks in a ferris-wheel configuration. All you have to door is hit the block underneath it. Do this quickly, as it will make the floor disappear. Hop on the blocks if necessary. This Fort has two. After you take out both of them, Roy will drop in from a chain, roar, and leave. He'll take Peach to the castle.

Coin Total: 2194

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