Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Super Mario Bros.: 6-B

This is an ice level. The pipe to the right is actually a cannon. Once up on the ice, you'll see ropes attached to gears on a path. You'll be using these ropes to cross gaps, so be sure to time your jumps if the ropes are moving. The 1st Star Coin is in the gap, so use a Koopa shell to reach it. As you keep going, you'll see a tilting purple mushroom and another pipe cannon. Use it to reach a higher level of ice, where you can bounce off a Parakoopa to get the 2nd Star Coin. After this is the midpoint and Piranha Plants, including a giant one. There are three pipe cannons to the left of a large floating piece of ice. The left cannon will shoot you under the ice for coins. The middle one will shoot you up high, but short of the ice. The right one will shoot you onto the ice and you'll slide down. Towards the end of the level, there will be a gap where you'll have to transfer ropes. On the last one, swing to build up some momentum, let go and duck under the wall so you can reach the 3rd Star Coin. The blocks next to it will break automatically. At the end, there are pipe cannons to the flag.

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