Monday, September 24, 2012

New Super Mario Bros. 2: 2-B

Bob-ombs with parachutes are raining down on the level. Pokeys are also crawling around.  There are cannons that shoot out the Bob-ombs with the parachutes. Use the Bob-ombs to break the blocks surrounding the first Star Coin. Put Bob-ombs on the tops of the hills to make them blow their tops for lots of coins. Go past the midpoint and go into the quicksand with the coins. It will take you underground. Use a Bob-omb to blow up the hill's top for  coins and the second Star Coin. Take the green pipe cannon back up. You'll see a row of brick blocks. The middle one has a P-Switch that will make two random coin blocks appear temporarily. There are some Red Coins to collect. Over the valley between two hills with Bob-omb cannons is the third Star Coin. It's pretty high up, so you won't see it normally. Bounce off a Bob-omb to reach it. You'll soon reach the flag.

Coin Total: 49,012
I found and completed this level after beating the final boss.

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