Monday, March 25, 2013

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - Gloomy Manor -- A-2 Gear Up

It's time to look for Dark Moon pieces. Paranormal activity is high in the north rooms of Gloomy Manor, so Gadd suggests we look there. Gadd gives us the Parascope, which detects and measures distant paranormal signals. He shows us the gears that were in the back wall of the Foyer.

We land in the Entrance and head to the Foyer.

It's dark in the Foyer and a door on the first level is open. A large red ghost called a Slammer appears, reaches into the mechanism and removes a few gears. Three more appear and they each take a gear, flying off with it. Gadd calls, saying the Parascope will show us where the ghosts are. He's also going to call the DS the Dual Scream. Approach the open door and it will shut. A Greenie will appear with the key and fly into the Guard Hall.

Catch the Greenie and get the key from it.

The key unlocks the door to the Common Hall.

Common Hall
There's a stack of money on the back table and under the long rug. Vacuuming the cobweb on the window will let bats in. We can go through the first door on the left, which leads to the Lab.

The Lab is filled with Gadd's equipment. There are mice and a couple of Greenies here. Vacuum around to get the chalkboard spinning. A Greenie will appear when you do. Once you take care of them, the red ghost will appear. It has 30 HP. Vacuum it for the gear.

Common Hall
There's a flimsy piece of wall paper between the two doors on the left wall. Vacuum it up for access to the Secret Pocket.

Secret Pocket
There's some money in here, as well as a key. You can look into the Studio, where a couple of blue ghosts called Hiders are trying to complete a portrait. The key does not open the Studio door.

We try to go upstairs, but the stairs flatten and we slide down. A blue ghost is in the room. It has 15 HP. We can now go through the door on the second floor. This leads to the Master Hall.

Master Hall
This place is covered in cobwebs. Check the vases for money and Gold Bones. Both doors on the left are open.
The first one leads to the Parlor.

There's an amethyst in the grandfather clock on the back wall. Use the Strobulb to activate it. Vacuum the ceiling fan to make it lower, making a lot of money appear. The record player will play music if you vacuum near it. This will make two Greenies appear, and the red ghost appears after you take care of the Greenies. Remove the painting in the center of the back wall to make money appear. The other door in the Master Hall leads to the Bedroom.

The Bedroom seems pretty empty at first. There's no bed. Check the walls for money. There's a mushroom-shaped amethyst behind the changing screen, but we can't reach it yet. The door on the back wall is fake and will hurt you if you try to open it. Pull the tassel nearby to make the bed appear from the wall. Sit on it and the bed will flip you into the Study.

Roll back the rug to make some Greenies appear. Once you defeat them, the red ghost will appear. After you defeat him, the gear appears behind a painting. To get rid of smaller pests, such as mice, bats, and spiders, you can vacuum them or hit them with the Strobulb to turn them into money or hearts. Roll back the rug further to reveal a panel. Step on it to extinguish the fire in the fireplace. Stand in the fireplace before the fire reignites to drop down to the Studio.

The blue ghosts are startled to see Luigi. Defeat them and the red ghost for the gear. Gadd calls to tell us to put the gears back in the mechanism. Before we leave, we vacuum some sheets draped over frames for some gold bars and money. Look through the camera to see an amethyst in a spiderweb in the corner of the window.

In the bathroom part of the Coatroom, vacuum up the rug to make a gold ghost called a Gold Greenie appear. It has 20 HP and gives a lot of money if you catch it.

The gears don't fit into the mechanism. Gadd thinks the ghosts may have bent them. Gadd returns us to the lab.

Clear Time: 21:38
Ghosts Captured: 17
Health Lost: 125
Treasure: 757 G
Silver Rank

Gadd will work with the gears to make them work again.

When you have all the parts of the Poltergust 5000, return to Gloomy Manor. BaBoon is in the Mudroom, in the drum on the front wall. BaBoon has 20 HP. Complete the mission and return to the Bunker.

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