Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon -- King Boo's Illusion - A Nightmare to Remember

Luigi lands somewhere dark and surreal. King Boo is laughing. Some curtains open and King Boo is wandering around. The curtains close and Mario's painting appears. King Boo makes the painting disappear. He's not happy about Luigi trapping him in a painting and he's going to paint the town red. He broke the Dark Moon. His crown enhances his power. He wants to be supreme ruler of our world, with the Evershade Valley ghosts as his army. He'll turn everyone into paintings. The final battle starts!

King Boo will pound the arena, causing a shockwave, and making spike balls appear. Don't touch them. When the spike balls are about to drop down, lure him under a shadow and use the vacuum to hold King Boo in place and let them land on him. You can now vacuum him. He has 100 HP. When you drop his HP to 0, he won't be contained in the vacuum. He breaks up the battle arena and Luigi slides into a mansion.

Now you have to run from him, dodging furniture obstacles. Ahead are pillows which will slow you down. Stay on the hardwood floors. You'll go up and down stairs, some of which are slides and escalators. Dodge the snow and spring out the window.

You'll return to the battle arena. Pillows will land on the floor. The battle will continue as usual. Some of the tiles will become cracked. If a spiked ball rolls over them, they will return to normal. He'll escape the Poltergust 5000 and chase you through a mansion.

This mansion will have suits of armor and will be dark in spots. Use the flashes of light and your flashlight to navigate, as there springs to deal with. Next is an icy patch with ice tablets blocking your way. They'll fall eventually, but will slow you down. Slide down the stairs and ice. Run between the suits of armor and spring out of the window back to the battle arena.

Avoid the lightning strikes. The floor won't change, but only one tile will be safe. The next few rounds of lightning will change the floor to cracked tiles or spikes. This time, when you drop his HP to 0, you'll capture him. The jewel in his crown is spit out. It's over. Grab the jewel, do a victory dance, and the illusion shatters, and you're on the Terrace.

Mario's painting is here. Gadd pixelates to the Terrace. Gadd says Luigi should try using the Dark Light to free Mario, instead of knocking on the frame. Mario thanks Luigi, calling him "Number 1". The five Toads pixelate in, with the Dark Moon pieces. They help Luigi reassemble the Dark Moon and it flies into the sky, sending out a wave of pacifying energy. Ghosts in the vault and all of Evershade Valley are friendly again. Gadd releases all of the ghosts in the Ghost Container. Time for a group photo! Luigi hangs the photo in his house, and has taken in the Polterpup.

Clear Time: 5:54
Ghosts Captured: 1
Health Lost: 130
Treasure: 300
Silver Rank

Roll credits!

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