Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time -- Part 6: The Koopa Dome

The time hole on the viewing platform leads to the Gritzy Desert. To the north is a dome that looks like a Koopa shell. Go inside. An army of Shroobs chase the bros out. Kylie Koopa appears, saying going through the front door is a bad idea. She's onto a new story here. Princess Shroob will make an appearance to celebrate conquering the Mushroom Kingdom. Also making an appearance is another princess, who happens to like the color pink. Mario fills in some details, thinking it might be Peach. Kylie mentions a secret entrance to the dome, but she doesn't know where it's located. She says the entrance is connected to four desert statues. Go east, where the coast is clear.

 As expected in a desert, you can find Pokeys. You'll also find Shrooba Divers in the sand. The statues are clearly marked on the map. What you have to do is split up the bros and have them activate statues that are across from each other. Each statue looks at its partner. You have to situate the bros before you hit the blocks. To reach the east and south statues, go to the northeast. You'll have to hit a ! Block, then hit the other one on the other side of a maze in under 18 seconds to pass through. This opens a gate, allowing you to continue. Another method is to go to the south east. Send the babies into the red pipe, then have the bros roll into the cannon to the right. Hit the switch to fire the cannon across the spiky gap.  There are Bob-ombs on the east side. When you activate a set of statues, a beam comes out of their mouths, aiming for a crystal near the dome. When all four statues are activated, the crystal shatters, revealing a ! Block.

Reunite the bros and return to the dome. Hitting the ! Block lowers a ledge on the dome. The entrance is on the top of the dome. Go through the pipe to the interior of the dome, called the Koopaseum. Kylie follows you in and says Princess Shroob should appear any moment. The five watch through the window. Princess Shroob descends from a flying saucer and fires up the crowd. Peach is brought in over a pipe containing Petey Piranha. The Shroobs cheer. Peach is dropped and Petey gobbles her up. On the other side of the window, Kylie's been caught by the Shroobs. The bros are on their own.

To the right is a room with a grate. The grate leads to many items. To the west, Spin Jump to the ! Block to lower some platforms. Climb up and roll into the next room. Spin Jump over spikes and roll down the path. Downstairs, throw the babies onto the ledge on the right and hit the Shine Sprite block to light their way. Be careful as the path gets pretty narrow in some parts. Once out of the maze, hit the switch to open the door. Stand on the platform ahead when you're ready. The platform takes you on stage. Princess Shroob orders an attack, but the bros defeat most of the Shroobs on stage. A giant Shroob with a lollipop swings in on a chain. Battle time!

The Shrooboid Brat is unusual enemy. He'll ask the crowd which enemy to attack. Whoever gets the most votes has a lollipop coming their way. Now is a good time to try out the Pocket Chomp. A Chomp will chase Mario or Luigi, while a baby rides on the tail. Hit the bro's button as he lands on the enemy, then hit the baby's button as he goes by. The crowd will send the Shrooboid Brat items. He'll eat them and spit them out at the bros. Some items may be harmful, so hit them with your hammer. Sometimes, he'll fire mushrooms. As you weaken him, the crowd will show signs where the color doesn't match the letter. The letter says who he's aiming for. They may also vote more than once, indicating more than one attack.

After you defeat him, the Shroobs pound the floor with hammers, dropping the bros through the floor. The bros land in the basement of the Koopaseum, in the Gritzy Caves.

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