Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ghostly Galaxy - Beware of Bouldergeist

Welcome to the Galaxy!
We land on a green Starshroom. Red Toad informs us, "Luigi was kidnapped by the monster that lives here." We launch, get the Rainbow Star, and run into the mansion. We find Pink Toad in a crate, telling us, "Shake to spin Bomb Boss! When they hit something, they go BOOM!" Bomb Boos are black Boos that will follow us around regardless, with their tongues hanging out. Spin near them to grab their tongues and swing them over your head. After a while, they will flash red and explode. Before they explode, run towards something you want to blow up and it will swing around and hit it. We can use them to destroy Bowser statues, including one in front of the fireplace. This will reveal a Launch Star. We launch twice to an area with Sling Pods, and I fell off.
Take 2- We use the Sling Pods to reach a Sling Star, then a Launch Star. We use the Bomb Boos to destroy another Bowser statue for a 1-up. We then use the Sling Pods to get Pull Star Chips, not necessarily flinging Mario to get them. We use the Pull Stars to go through a hollow planet to a Launch Star. We land on a similar hollow planet with a springy purple and red checkered ball. We get a 1-up, then bounce to the Launch Star. We land near the battle arena and a Luma Shop and walk to it. In the center of the arena, a monster forms from rocks. This is Bouldergeist. He groans, which summons three kinds of rocks, yellow, gray, and black. Gray rocks are used to attack Mario, so keep moving. Yellow rocks produce coins when they hit the ground. Black rocks make Bomb Boos, so grab them by the tongue and swing them into Bouldergeist. He will periodically make rock spikes appear from the ground, so stay away. You can spin them to destroy them. After Bouldergeist takes enough hits, his rocky shell disappears, revealing that he is a large, black specter with a long tongue. He floats around, making more Bomb Boos from the ground. Use one to hit it and it will wail, then the rocky shell will reform, this time with a pair of hands. The hands will try to punch you or smash you into the ground, but staying towards the edge of the arena and away from the hands' shadows will keep you safe. The hands will also destroy some of the rock spikes, but will also take some Bomb Boo hits if the Boom Boos run into them before the rest of Bouldergeist. A few hits will destroy the hands, but your main objective is to hit Bouldergeist's body. We destroyed the body and hit the specter, ending the battle, with one bar of health left. It wails, swells, and explodes, and the Star appears from the center of the arena.
Star Get #37, 12 Coins, 1707 Star Bits, 16 Lives

We land on the green Starshroom, where Red Toad tells us the same thing. In the second take, we reached the battle arena. The battle is the same and we beat Bouldergeist and get the Star.
Star Get #37, 7 Coins, 1537 Star Bits, 26 Lives

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