Saturday, April 13, 2013

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon -- Old Clockworks - C-5 Piece at Last!

Gadd says we need to find the rotor to open the Clock Tower Gate. He's also detecting signals from the east side of the place. It probably has something to do with the Boos following that Toad that fell down there. Gadd thinks the rotor might be there. The doorway is blocked, but Gadd has a Pixelator screen in that area. The rotor looks like a wheel.

Service Elevator (First Floor)
We land here, and startle a pink mottled ghost with the rotor. It flies into the next room. There's a sheet draped over a mirror to the left of the door. The mirror reveals a ruby on the other side. We can't reach it just yet. Activate the safe and it will drop slightly. Go through the door on the right to the Gear Chamber.

Gear Chamber
There are a couple of "elevators" here. Walk on the first one to make it drop a level. The ghost with the rotor flies into the next room. Restore the file cabinet next to the elevator for lots of money. If you look through the hole in the wall, you'll see the pink ghost consulting with Greenies on where to hide the rotor. One Greenie notices and puts a brick in the hole. Gadd says we need to get into the Storage Room. One of his Toad assistants is looking after the place. He's in the Synchronization Room. Go downstairs to the left. Pull the red ball on the vent for lots of coins. There's a rattling door behind the back wall. There are crates that form a ramp to the back wall. Restore the wooden plank bridge and go behind the wall and reach the door. We have 15 seconds to collect the Red Coins. Go to the left first and step on the gear near the timer to jump over the wall. Completing the mission will get you a ruby from the tool chest. Go through the lower door on the left to the Service Elevator.

Service Elevator (Basement 1)
There are some coins above the doorway. If you activated the safe upstairs, it will drop downstairs and give you money. Go downstairs. There's not much to do here. The door leads to the Maintenance Hub.

Maintenance Hub
Activate the Strobulb device on the back wall for a red ball zipline. Drop down and restore a tool chest in front of the large gear for a ruby. Use the gear spring to the right to spring on top of the gear and unroll the bridge to the left door. Restore the door on the back wall at the level of the gear. This leads to the Crank Room.

Crank Room
There are a couple of Slammers here. There's a giant cog to the left. Go right for some gold bars and another cog. Go downstairs and restore the cog in the huge gap. This will get the cogs on the left moving. The tool chest has a lot of money. Go to the left cog and stand on it until you reach the floor. Peel off the wall paper on the front left wall for a hidden room. Restore the tool chest in the front of the room for Boony Raboot, with 30 HP. Return to the main room and pass through the cog when there's a gap. Defeat the Slammers. The Gold Greenie will be in a locker. There's a key in another locker. Go over the cog and return to the Maintenance Hub. The key opens the door on the left to the Synchronization Room.

Synchronization Room
There are a few gold bars and a stack of money here. Activate the mechanism on the clock-like device on the left wall and a cuckoo will pick Luigi up and take him to the other side of the wall. Remove the spiderweb on the left and go through that doorway. There's a Toad Portrait on the back wall. Behind the poster on the left wall are some gold bars. Go downstairs on the right and restore the right valve wheel. Adjust the wheels to make a path to the portrait. Left controls the back wheel and the right wheel controls the front. Go up to the portrait and use the Dark Light to make Yellow Toad appear. He's a huge Luigi fan. He'll take us to the Storage Room. He warns us he has an irrational fear of clocks. Why Gadd assigned him hear is beyond me. We have to keep him away from large clocks or gears. He's also scared of the two Greenies that appear. Once you take care of them, move to the right. Pick up Yellow Toad, step on the tile on the floor to lower the gate, and aim at the wall. Crosshairs will appear. Shoot him onto the conveyor belt and take the cuckoo to the other side. There are more Greenies over here. Once you're done, go to the Maintenance Hub.

Maintenance Hub
Yellow Toad won't walk on the giant gear in the middle. Pick him up, stand on the gear, and shoot him to the other door. When you try to reach the zipline, Greenies with shields and hammers appear. Deal with them, then use the zipline and return to the Service Elevator.

Service Elevator (Basement 1)
Yellow Toad doesn't like spiders either. Clear them out, then go to the Gear Chamber.

Gear Chamber
The mottled pink ghost is here, and commands an army of Greenies to attack. Some have shovels and some appear in the sand. Then, mummies appear. You can catch the mottled pink ghost when the mummies are around. It has 50 HP. Once you defeat them all, Gadd says to search for the rotor. Go up the stairs and shoot Yellow Toad into the higher elevator. This will bring it down so you can reach the Storage Room door.

Storage Room
The rotor is behind a fence below the walkway. Walk on the crates level with the door and shoot Yellow Toad behind the fence to get it. He feels sick from touching it. Leave through the upper door.

Service Elevator
Before you return the Toad, shoot him to the other side of the room with the ruby. He'll pick it up, along with the gold bars and spring back to your side. Get the gem from him and pixelate him back. Gadd returns us to the Bunker.

Clear Time: 27:26
Ghosts Captured: 23
Health Lost: 140
Treasure: 1803
Silver Rank

Gadd says the pink mottled ghost we captured was a powerful Strong Sneaker. As with the first Toad, Yellow Toad doesn't remember how he was trapped in a painting. He was chased by Boos before it happened. With the rotor, we can now open Clock Tower Gate. Yellow Toad also brought back a security camera image. He'll process it.

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