Friday, April 8, 2011

Hazy Maze Cave - Watch for Rolling Rocks

We went to the left for the rolling rocks. I tried punching the rocks, but took damage twice. I went near the door to the elevator to the underground pool and wall-jumped up to the ledges near the door. The one closest to the hole has the Star.
Star Get #48, 5 Coins, 3 Lives

Nintendo DS
Before going to the area with the rolling rocks, we get Wario's Cap. This is much different from the N64 version, because the Star appears in one of the rolling rocks. We have to watch the Touch Screen to see when it appears. It's okay if you miss it; it will come back soon, about every 5th rock. We lost the cap when we tried to punch the rock and had to back track to get it. We took a hit from a spider and got the cap back from the Goomba. We lost it to another spider and were knocked into the void.
Take 2- We took a hit from a spider. We got Wario's Cap and used the Power Flower at the start to get Metal Wario. Unfortunately, the power didn't last long enough, so we have to get the Star without it. We took one hit from a rock and punched the rock with the Star from the side. We waited in the alcove with the Heart until it appeared. The Star flies over the small ramp where the rocks land, near the door. Rocks will keep rolling, even after you get the Star.
Star Get #55, 8 Coins, 3 Lives
The next Star is Underground Switch Star.

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