Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mario and Luigi: Dream Team -- Part 5: Nightmare Team

Eldream drilled a path in the dream world to Dream's Deep. Walk into the light and move the Circle Pad down to enter. Mario travels through a tunnel with colorful morphing Luigi faces. Luigi gets upset in his sleep. Starlow tries to call to Mario, who's been in the dream world for a while.

In the real world, Luigi and Starlow are spotted by Private Goomp, Corporal Paraplonk, Sergeant Guy, and Kamek. Starlow says they probably heard about the place instead of receiving an invitation. They confirm this, saying they brought Bowser with them. Fantastic... Goomp, Paraplonk, and Guy have been promoted to Bowser's elite personal guard. Starlow's not impressed. Bowser drops in, knocking his minions away. He asks if Peach is gone, because kidnapping her is his thing and he's the only one who gets to do that. He calls it treason. Starlow bluffs by saying Mario escorted Peach to safety, so Bowser should take a nap. Bowser disagrees, as kidnapping Peach is his life's calling. He'll find her and kidnap her. He then notices the portal over Luigi's head. He says it smells of her perfume. He's not going to let Mario find Peach before he does. He jumps into the portal and Starlow can't stop him.

Mario lands in Dream's Deep and Luigi gets upset again. The place is purple and filled with moving neon images of Luigi. Dreambert says he thinks he's been here before. Dreamy Luigi isn't here and Dreambert thinks he lost his way, buy he'll return. Dreambert says Mario's priority is to find Peach. Before Mario starts walking, he hears someone say, "Big bro!" As Mario walks, the voice says things like "I'm not clumsy" and "Don't fear ghosts". These sound like Luigi's thoughts, although not his happiest. Some other thoughts are "Help big bro", "Big bro is stylish", and "I can be strong". Climb up and go right.

A thought appears, saying "I can help! Take me with you!" A neon Luigi appears, saying, "Big bro! Where's Peach?" Another Luigi appears, saying, "Big bro, please take me with you!" Another says, "Hey! Nobody mess with my bro! Big bro! I can help!" The neon Luigis leave and a giant Luigi face appears in the background. Dreambert says this is the deepest part of Luigi's dreams. Luigi's emotions are swirling around here as neon Luigis. Dreambert says that, in a sense, this place is Dreamy Luigi himself. The Dreamy Luigi Mario's met may be here, but they should go ahead, as there's no use in looking for him. Keep going. To get some coins, jump on the purple ledge and go to the left. This will take you to a lower part of the area. To leave, go to the right on the solid purple ground.

A neon Luigi will follow you, but will disappear if Mario looks at him. More will follow until the giant Luigi face appears, saying to wait and that it's probably dangerous ahead. Mario may not be able to come back. To leave, jump towards the light ahead. There's a portal ahead, but he doesn't know what's beyond it. Peach calls for help from the portal. Luigi says it's Mario's choice and he'll follow him. They're all here for him, always. Go towards the light if you're not ready and want to heal.

Mario returns to Dreamy Mushrise Park, where Boss Brickle has opened a shop. Dreamy Luigi appears. He says he was behind Mario the entire time. Dreambert says there is often no sense to dreams. When you're ready, jump into the portal. You'll drop down slowly so you can collect coins. At the bottom, a neon Luigi says they should go. It disappears and Dreamy Luigi appears. Go through the next portal. There is a Save Block here.

Ahead is the purple fog, still holding Peach. The bros approach and the fog turns into a bat. Dreambert says this is Antasma. Bowser growls ahead. He enters from another portal and asks if Antasma kidnapped Peach. Bowser calls Antasma a baby bat, small enough to wear as an accessory. Mario tackles Antasma, freeing Peach, and Bowser punches Antasma away. Peach wants to return to the real world and Bowser agrees, saying he'll fight Mario so he can kidnap her. In his words, "It's Kidnapping Peach II... The Bowsering!" Before Bowser can attack, Antasma flies in and sticks to his face, saying they will go to the real world. Bowser peels Antasma off. Antasma says he wanted to steal Peach's power, but changed his mind. What power does she have this time? He wants Bowser as he is stronger and evil. Antasma says he can make Bowser's wishes come true. For starters, he'll give Bowser new moves, as the bros are ready to fight. In return, he asks for Bowser's cooperation. Bowser agrees.

Antasma powers up Bowser the same way Dreamy Luigi powers up Mario. The bad guys are teaming up, which is never good. Use Luiginary Attacks. Bowser will punch Mario. Counter with the hammer. He'll also breathe fire, so move around and jump over it. The first few flames will appear in arcs and the last one in a steady stream. Antasma bats will come out and surround Bowser. Jump on Bowser to have the Luiginoids clear out the bats or use Luiginary Attacks. Some of the bats will fly over Mario and others will dive at him. Have the 3D effect on and counter with the hammer. They will also heal Bowser. Bowser will curl up into a spike ball and chase Mario. Run left and right to dodge the flames or jump over them. As he takes more damage, Bowser will attack more times before it will be Mario's turn. His spike ball attack will also include purple flames Mario can't jump over. After Bowser takes enough damage, Antasma will stop powering Bowser up, signaling the battle is over. This is a tough fight.

Antasma calls the bros "nuisances" and tells Bowser to destroy them. He screeches and Bowser breathes fire on the bros. Bowser likes the power boost and takes up Antasma on his offer. Antasma wants to go to the real world, but Bowser wants to take Peach along. Antasma says they must stick to the plan for now and they can kidnap Peach at anytime. Bowser tells Mario to not let anyone else kidnap her until he returns. Bowser and Antasma fly out of there. Eldream and the Dreambunny drop in. He notices Peach and says the bros managed to save her, but at a high cost as they are all sleeping. It's dangerous to fall asleep in a dream. Eldream will return them to the real world.

Bowser and Antasma go to the real world via the portal. Antasma has difficulty flying while carrying Bowser. Antasma is now free and Bowser has a powerful new friend. They fly off and Mario carries Peach out of the dream world. Peach thanks Mario. Starlow wants to alert Toadsworth of Peach's safe return, but Dreambert says there's no time as Antasma has returned. The Pi'illos managed to imprison him in the dream world, but he lived on. In time, his bonds weakened and he found his chance to return. His goal is the conquer the real world and sow the nightmare. Eldream says he'll go after the Dream Stone. Dreambert says the Dream Stone is in the desert of Dozing Sands. Peach tells the bros to stop Bowser and Antasma.

Boss Brickle opens a gate to the south, saying it will remain open. Starlow says Peach should be safe at the castle, but how she will reach it with the bridge out is unknown. Eldream says to visit occasionally when they save more of the Pi'illos. He'll bestow gifts to the bros. Dreambert will also give the bros gifts. Eldream will be in the maintenance hut, but since we've saved six Pi'illos, he gives the bros a Bare Hammer. He has another reward for saving a total of seven Pi'illos. There are two more Pi'illos in Mushrise Park, but we can't reach them yet. Head south to Dozing Sands.

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