Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jolly Roger Bay - Can the Eel Come Out to Play?

We land back on the beach and notice that the ship has resurfaced and is floating in the bay. We swim over to the Bob-omb Buddy on the rock near the floating platform and stone pillar so he will open the cannon for us. We then dive into the depths near the back to find a large eel named Unagi in a hole in the rock. (Unagi is Japanese for eel.) If you get close to Unagi, it will swim out of the hole and start circling the bay a couple of times before returning. It can hurt you when it swims out, so stay away while it's leaving. On its tail is the Star, which it trails behind it as it swims. All we have to do is touch the Star to release it and it will fly near an underwater rock. This may take some time, so be sure to surface for air. I didn't need to as I reached the Star with 2 bars of health remaining.
Star Get #18, 0 Coins, 4 Lives

Nintendo DS
Before we started the mission, we read a sign in the room with the aquariums: "Activate the ? Switch in the castle's mystical Rainbow Tower to make all the ? Blocks solid. Breeak the ? Blocks to get special items like Power Flowers. These bewitching blossoms strengthen each character in a different way. Depending on their dispositions, characters can float, turn into metal, disappear, or breathe fire. In addition to Power Flowers, ? Blocks can also give you Wings to fly. But only if you are the original plumber." Interesting. We will take care of that later.
We land on the beach and swim to the Bob-omb Buddy and get him to open the cannon, which appears to be filled with water when it is opened. We dive down and coax Unagi out of the hole. We don't get hit, but are close enough to touch the Star and release it moments after it appears. It flies a short distance and stops in front of the hole. We get it with 5 bars of health. This was easier!
Star Get #14, 0 Coins, 4 Lives
The next Star is Treasure of the Ocean Cave.

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