Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tick Tock Clock - Tick Tock Silver Stars

This mission is unique to the Nintendo DS.
I also got 100 Coins in this mission. This mission is a little difficult because the map doesn't tell you on what level you'll find the Silver Stars. Seemingly complicating matters is the fact that they're all moving. But they're all falling, so just stand on the first level and wait for them to reach your level. If you miss any of them, just wait: they'll cycle through and fall to you again. I collected them all in less than 30 seconds as they showed up at the same time. That was easy! Periodically, Bob-ombs will rain down. The Star appears on a grate near three pushing walls to the left after you pass the yellow rectangles near the number 6.
But before we get that Star, we still need 100 Coins. I got the Red Coins, killed some Goombas, and broke a few item blocks. The Blue Coin Switch brought me to 90 coins. I found some coins in a nearby cage (between 6 and 9) accessible from its left side.
Star Get #134, 102 Coins, 4 Lives
I hopped across the stationary pushing walls to the Star Sphere to get the Star.
Star Get #135, 102 Coins, 6 Lives

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