Friday, August 5, 2011

Bunnies of the Castle Part 3

Nintendo DS
Now that we can explore the entire castle, we can now find almost all of the bunnies.

  • lThere is a bunny in the drained moat, near the door to the pillars.
  • A bunny is hiding outside the castle near the hedges.Yoshi's bunny in the drained moat says something different. "Aaaargh! Oh no, please don't eat me. It's a fact that Goombas taste much better. I'll give you something nice in return if you let me go. You'd take that, right?" After you spit him out, he says "Ayieeeeeeeeeee! I almost had a heart attack! Here, take the key and go. I'm just going to sit here until my heart stops racing." And "C'mon, help a bunny out. I promise not to pull any pranks... ...For now." If you catch him again, he says "I already gave you the key a little while ago. Get it straight! I'm not your food!" Then, "You liar! You promised not to eat me... Are you really that hungry?"


  • A bunny is in the drained moat, near the front ramp and the Secret Under the Moat.
  • There is a bunny on the stairs to the third floor.
  • Another bunny is in the Snowman's Land room.
  • There is a bunny on the grass, by the fence, near the waterfall.


  • One bunny hides in the hedges outside the castle.
  • There is a bunny in water remaining in the drained tunnel to the pillars.
  • There is one wandering on the second floor, just outside the door.
  • The last one is on top of the castle roof, accessible only by the cannon that opens when you get all 150 Stars and beat Bowser.

Wario (brown bunnies)

  • There is a bunny near the trees, by the castle. (On the side without the waterfall, towards the back).
  • A bunny is in Whomp's Fortress's room.
  • Another bunny is the back of the courtyard with the Boos.
  • There is a bunny near the Toad in the basement, in the area with Lethal Lava Land.
  • Another bunny is in the Tiny-Huge Island room.
  • A bunny is immediately on the other side of the Star Door on the third floor (when coming from the second floor).
  • Another bunny is in the window to Over the Rainbows.

When Wario catches a bunny, it says "How'd you catch up to me with those stubby legs?! Do I have to call you boss from now on? If you put me down, I'll give you this key. Here!"

If you catch him again, he says "Not bad, "boss." How do you run so fast with those stubby legs? Guess you can't judge a book by its cover, huh."

If he catches a shiny white bunny, it will say the same thing it said to Mario and Luigi.

Now we must catch the remaining shiny white bunnies. We're going to use Yoshi for this as six of his bunnies appear on the castle grounds, increasing our chances of finding one. Multiple white bunnies may appear on the castle grounds at the same time.

When we find the last of the white bunnies, it will be a little faster. He'll say "Waaaah! Wait, wait! I ain't no good for eatin'! It's true! I'm sure my younger brothers would taste better! It's true! If you're feelin' peckish, sink your molars into one o' them! Just lemme go! You will...right?" and "Yaaargh! You caught my brothers AND me?! That ain't right! That tongue of yours sure is something! You need to teach me that trick sometime! So, anyway, I guess I owe youthat key I've got. Here!" if you're Yoshi.
If you get the last bunny as Mario, Luigi, or Wario, it will say "Owowow! Watch it, buddy! I can't believe you caught my brothers AND me... I'm the fastest one in my family! You must be some big deal, huh? Fine, then. You can have this key I found... Here!"

You get a star key, like the ones the regular bunnies give you. You got the key to the empty room! Do you want to save your progress? Yes/ No

We can now open the door with the white border and mat in the room with the secret slide and the character doors. The door will be unlocked, your character will go in, some rustling will be heard, and your character will exit with a Star.
Star Get #146, 0 Coins, 4 Lives

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