Friday, October 29, 2010

Wild Glide Galaxy - Jungle Fluzzard Race

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
We land in the galaxy to find 4 Jibberjays waiting with Fluzzard. We talk to the black Jibberjay, who says he never loses a race. He's the one to beat. However, there are other Jibberjays as our competition. It's kind of like the penguin races in Galaxy. On my first try, I took 3rd place, lost a life, and gave up to pursue other Stars.
Take 2- I took some hits and got 4th. This isn't as easy as I thought it would be.
Take 3- I took a hit before diving into the water. I gave up to pursue other Stars.
Take 4- I took hits before drowing.
Take 5- I took a hit and drowned.
Take 6- See Take 5.
Take 7- I hit the wall.
Take 8- See Take 2. At least I made it to the goal.
Take 9- See Take 3.
Takes 10-13- See Take 5.
Take 14- I got into 2nd place, but drowned.
Take 15- See Take 14.
Take 16- See Take 5.
Takes 17-19- I drowned.
Take 20- I took 2nd place. Almost there!
Take 21- See Take 17.
Take 22- I took too many hits. I gave up to pursue other Stars.
Take 23- I finally took first place! This requires a lot of swooping, diving, and control. As the black Jibberjay will take the lead, it is best to follow him to understand the best path, which is low, close to the ground. I took 2 hits on the way. The black Jibberjay says he lost and that he's no leader. We should be the new leader and the new leader gets a Star! Star Get #118, Galaxy Complete!, 21 Lives
We land on the base of the faceship. Lubba says "Chee?", and that we brought back a really LOUD bird. "Chush" Do we hear the tranquil song of the stars? No? It's tough to hear over the yappin' Jibberjay! Lubba asks us to go over and try to quiet it down for a bit. We find it near the brim of the faceship. He says the trick to going fast with Fluzzard is to point down to dive and keep diving to go fast. We should dive whenever we can. Unfortunately, because I won this race after the one in Fleet Glide, this information is completely useless to me. Oh, well. Let's just move on.

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