Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Super Paper Mario -- Chapter 5-3 -- A Crag in the Dark

After repelling O'Chunks, Mario and Co. followed the Floro Sapiens underground. Was the hideout of the Floro Sapiens just up ahead? "Wow, it's dark! And narrow!" "Hey, who just kicked me?!" "Sorry. All me." Our heroes followed the long, dark corridor, listening to echoes of their own voices. As they groped their way along, the light at the end of the tunnel grew brighter... They had finally arrived at the inner sanctum of the Floro Sapiens... The Cragnons kidnapped from Downtown of Crag had to be around somewhere...

This is the Floro Caverns, caves filled with minerals. Climb up the blocks and you'll find an item block with a Mushroom. Go to the right and someone announces that they're coming in live from the Floro Sapien home. It's a Cragnon with arms, wearing a khaki shirt and pith helmet. He says no one has set foot in here and come out alive. He says some make history with sheer gall and willpower, like Flint Cragley. He's a Cragtrotter, an adventurer. He tries out a few titles for his show: "Into the Floro Sapien Cave of Doom!" "Taste Danger! Flint Cragley Vs. a Recragginated Mummy in Floro Sapien Central!" Tippi speaks up and Cragley notices them, wondering it they'll eat him after the next commercial break. Afterwards, he says, "Cut, print, and wrap it." He asks what they're doing here and they explain their quest for the Pure Heart. Flint is happy to meet fellow adventurers and introduces himself as the best Cragtrotter. He has a weekly show on crag-vision. Flint pretended to be kidnapped so he could film an epic show, but his crew wandered off. They have the key that will get him deeper into the abyss that is the caverns. He tells them to find his crew and tell them he's waiting and stomping impatiently.

Go through the pipe and you'll find a locked door when you drop down. Go to the right to a Save Block and drop down. There are Spike Tops here. If you flip in the area, you'll find a Cragnon wandering around with a sprout on its head. It's been brainwashed by the sprout and has 10 HP and 1 attack. Avoid contact with them, or you'll lose points if you defeat them. They are looking for gems for King Croacus and will attack any intruders. Go through the lower pipe. You'll find some item blocks. The middle one has Pal Pills. You'll find Spania here. They move quickly. Defeat them without jumping on them, unless you're using Carrie's power. A nearby brick block has a Fast Flower. In the next cluster of item blocks, hit the brick block over the middle block for a ladder. It leads to a moving yellow platform that will take you past many coins. At the end of the ride, you'll drop back down. Go back left and you'll find a door.

The door leads to a mine cart. Stand in the mine cart and take it for a ride. Flip into 3D and it will take a hidden path to the left. The tracks dead-end at a door. Go through the door and float across the gap, then drop down. You'll find Flint Cragley's sound guy, Hornfels. He asks who they are and once they explain that Flint's looking for them, he says he'll go back. He explains that the Floro Sapiens are using sprouts to mind-control the captured Cragnons. He leaves, saying not to let their guard down. Go left and hit the brick block for a ladder. Go back through the door and ride the mine cart back. If you ride the mine cart in 2D, you'll end up in an empty room, except for a Cragnon in 3D.

Go to the right and blow up a rock to access a door. Flip and you'll find many coins here. Leave and go to the right. You'll come across a spring near a wall of blocks. Flip to go through the blocks. There's something at the end of the hallway. It's a giant yellow block, camouflaged to look like the cavern walls. Break it with Cudge and you'll find another mine cart. This one has several loop-de-loops. Go through door at the end, then up and right to find the cameraman, Monzo. He asks if the heroes are not mind-controlled. He escaped the "Processing Center", but says he may take the director, Flint, there to mellow out. The heroes tell him that Flint is looking for him. He heads back. Drop down and left, then flip to find a chest with a Spania card. The item block has a Zombie Shroom.

Go back using the mine cart, and go through the pipe near the door with coins. There's a camouflaged giant yellow block. You'll find a chest with a Shroom Shake. Return to Flint, who says he has been miraculously reunited with his crew. They need to aid the kidnapped Cragnons. He says they will use the key to the last unopened door in the caverns. The crew announces that they don't have the key. Monzo had it originally, but Flint took it back and should have it now. Flint says he doesn't, but finds it when he checks his pockets. He says the key miraculously returned to his pocket. He also says that beyond the door, there may be a trap on the other side. The heroes say they'll open the door no matter what and he calls them brave. He's not afraid, just yielding to their lead. He gives them the Cave Key. Go through the pipe and unlock the door. It leads to a mine cart with loops. Go through the door. There are large crystals here. There's a large shadow between and under the brick blocks. It's a giant yellow block in disguise. Hit a brick block for a Mega Star. When it runs out, look for a similar shadow towards the middle of the area. Hit it to reveal a door to the star.

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