Friday, September 3, 2010

Clockwork Ruins Galaxy - The Adventure of the Purples Coins

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
Wait, isn't every Purple Coin mission an adventure? This time we have 5 minutes and 100 Purple Coins to gather around the gears of the 1st planet. I got 94, but ran of time because I got stuck on the last gear. There are Gearmos along the way that tell you how many coins you should have when you reach them.
Take 2- I got all 100 with 21 seconds to spare. The Star appears on the top of the last gear, so I take the gear to the top to get it. I can't believe I got this in 2 tries, but fail miserably at getting 30 yellow coins to feed the hungry Luma on the same planet. Why was this mission so much easier for me?
Star Get #97, 1708 Star Bits, 3 Lives

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