Sunday, September 19, 2010

Haunty Halls - Spooky Cosmic Clone Chase

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
Not these guys again! This mission was difficult enough without them! We land in the Creepy Corridor and as soon as we get off the platform, the Cosmic Clones appear. I take a hit from a skull and fell through.
Take 2- I jumped through a hole in the floor that was eaten away by a skull.
Take 3- See Take 2.
Take 4- I got a 100 Star Bit 1-up, took a hit from a Clone, and fell through.
Take 5- I was knocked off by a skull.
Take 6- I reached the other side of the carpet, took 2 hits from the Clones, and fell through because I failed to jump.
Take 7- I made it to where the platforms disappear into the dark matter where the Boos should appear. This time, they don't. Yippee! I fell from a bad jump that missed a disappearing platform.
Take 8- I got a 100 Star Bit 1-up and jumped through.
Take 9- I walked off a green disappearing platform near the end. Nooo! So close!
Take 10- I was knocked off by a skull.
Take 11- I got a 100 Star Bit 1-up and made it to the Star in crystal and cracked the crystal. Finally!
Star Get #107, Galaxy Complete!, 2896 Star Bits, 1668 Coins, 10 Lives
We go up to the Starshroom and talk to Blue Toad and Red Toad. Blue Toad says that Luigi's ghost will appear in some galaxies. He shivers at the thought. Red Toad says something about a legendary world where the treasure is...Never mind! He doesn't know anything! Out with it, Red Toad! I must know! We will find out more things about World S later.

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