Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tall Trunk Galaxy - Tall Trunk's Purple Coin Slide

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
Oh, no. After the nightmare that was Silver Stars in Double Time, I was not looking forward to collecting Purple Coins on a slide. We can't go back and get coins we missed. We land on the platform before the slide. A Gearmo tells us that he lost 140 coins on the slide, but he would be happy to get 100 of them back. A likely story, but I guess it helps move the plot along. In Galaxy, there was no explanation for the existence of Purple Coins. They were just there. Because helping is a sign of a hero, we will try to collect 100 coins. Unlike in Starshine Beach, it is impossible to collect all 140 coins due to their placement in different areas at the same distance on the slide. We'd need to be in two places at once to get them all. We get started and the slide music plays. I got 47 before falling off the slide.
Take 2- I got 72 and reached the end of the slide. There is a pink Gearmo at the bottom who tells us to keep our eye on the prize. And then we immediately die. Not nice!
Take 3- I got 40 and hit the red spiky plants before falling off.
Take 4- I took off my headphones, got 73 coins, and fell off.
Take 5- I got 84 and died from failure.
Take 6- I got 97 and died from failure. So close!
Take 7- I got 96 and died from failure.
Take 8- I got 83 and fell off.
Take 9- I got 102. We trade the coins for a Star. The Whittles say, "You hero", "Hero, hero", "Hero symbol Star". Before collecting our reward for helping and niceness, we wander behind the tree for a 1-up.
Star Get #106, Galaxy Complete!, 2570 Star Bits, 6 Lives
A Comet appears in Haunty Halls Galaxy.
I got 5 Stars in this session. Currently, I have only one more Star to go and it's a doozy.

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