Thursday, December 22, 2011

Deep Dark Galaxy - The Underground Ghost Ship

Welcome to the Galaxy!
We land in the galaxy and get the 1-up on the Starshroom. We hop into the cannon and decide to aim for the other planet in the sky. We land on a Gate-like planet with a screw. We remove the screw and the planet starts shrinking, revealing coins circling the planet. We collect as many as we can before the planet disappears entirely. We fall to the planet with the Fire Flower and pink Octoombas. We get the Fire Flower and sling back to the beach. We need to light the torches, but I decide to chase a blue crab around, trying to hit it with a fireball. We are successful and get a 1-up. We hop back in the cannon, get the Rainbow Star, and then get the Fire Flower to light the torches. The gate drops and we dive in the pool, this time following the Star Bit arrow. We spin the switches to remove the gates. We dodge a jellyfish and surface. There is a large ship floating in another pool of water. There are Boos floating around and a ledge with a Life Shroom on it. Under the ship are coins and a ? Coin that makes two large rings of Star Bits.
We board the ship and Kamella appears. It's a similar battle to last time. Wait for her to use green magic to give you a shell and hit her with it. After the second hit, she flies over to the crow's nest and summons two Magikoopas. We have to climb up the pole at the stern to reach the crow's nest where the battle continues. Four hits and she's finished. She screams, explodes, and her wand cracks, freeing the Star.
Star Get #86, 61 Coins, 1754 Star Bits, 18 Lives

We land in the galaxy, hop in the cannon, get the Rainbow Star, and the Fire Flower. We light the torches and dive to the Star Bit arrow and the spin the switches to open the gates. We get the Life Shroom and the ? Coin from beneath the ship. We climb aboard the ship and start the battle with Kamella. We get in all four hits for the Star.
Star Get #86, 5 Coins, 2012 Star Bits, 30 Lives

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