Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gold Leaf Galaxy - Cosmic Mario / Luigi Forest Race

Welcome to the Galaxy!
We land in the galaxy and trigger the appearance of Cosmic Mario by moving. The galaxy is set up the same way as in "When It Rains, It Pours", so we have to navigate the wooden platforms and reach the Star on the circular part of wood near the tower. We run around to some blocks that replace the rain clouds so we can reach the wooden platforms. We should long jump to get ahead and reach the higher platforms, then long jump to the Star. I beat him on my third try.
Star Get #69, 2715 Star Bits, 10 Lives

Once again, this race will be much harder than against Cosmic Mario. Cosmic Luigi long-jumps, allowing him to go faster, and you should do the same. The blocks may slow you down a bit. You should also make sure you can consistently execute long jumps instead of backflips and ground pounds, as these will slow you down at best and kill you at worst. I won on Take 13, using lots of long jumps and, because I had enough of a lead, walking down the narrow path to the Star.
Star Get #69, 3061 Star Bits, 40 Lives

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