Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sea Slide Galaxy - Going after Guppy

Welcome to the Galaxy!
We land in the galaxy, which is a floating river in space where the Beach Bowl music plays. Falling off the planet means death, but we'll be fine diving down to the bottom of the sea. The Toad Brigade is there, as well as penguins, and both parties are complaining about a bully in the water that's preventing everyone from swimming. They also tell us we can swim with a shell and dive with [Z]. We swim up to a shark named Guppy, who says, "Now who do we have here? You some friends of those penguins? Let's get something clear here, landwalker. This sea's mine, see? If you want it back, show me some gills and make it through eight rings!" He starts swimming away, leaving yellow and white striped rings in his wake. We have to swim through all of them, like in "The Manta Ray's Reward". The rings have numbers that count down from eight. After the first one, we can grab a shell so we go faster, as there is a time limit to how long a ring will be in place. We follow Guppy through the entire sea ring, swimming through each ring. We end up back where we started and the Star appears. Guppy says, "Not bad, for a landwalker. Well, I'm a fish of my word. The sea's all yours, buddy." The penguins congratulate us. A Sling Star has appeared, which will take us to a floating Starshroom, where we can see that the entire galaxy is a ring. We sling back for the Star.
Star Get #70, 2 Coins, 2724 Star Bits, 10 Lives

We swim up to Guppy and take his eight ring challenge. I got a shell after the second ring, because I missed the first one. I got all eight rings and the Star.
Star Get #70, 2 Coins, 3075 Star Bits, 40 Lives

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