Sunday, December 25, 2011

Melty Molten Galaxy - Fiery Dino Piranha

Welcome to the Galaxy!
We land in the galaxy and take a new path that leads to the base of the volcano, then under the rock where the Sling Star to the side of the volcano would be. There are steam vents and a green pipe here. We climb up the rocks, dodging the steam, to reach the pipe. There is a steel planet near the planet that is just before the spire. We must kill all of the Li'l Cinders for the Launch Star. This takes us to a similar, rolling planet with flares flying over. The Launch Star is at the end, which takes us to a 2D circular planet with moving platforms on tracks, and Launch Star Chips. Three are close to the lava at the center and two are on the outer edge, as well as a Life Shroom. The Launch Star will appear where we landed.
We take Sling Stars through bobbing platforms and pass a Luma Shop. We reach the Launch Star.
We land on a black and red flaming egg. It starts walking around and we spin its tail, when it's not on fire. This cracks the egg to reveal Fiery Dino Piranha, which is a black Dino Piranha with flame-colored petals, and a tail that periodically flares up. We defeat him the same way. After the second hit, his tail leaves a trail of fire. He takes two more hits before he explodes into the Star.
Star Get #100, 10 Coins, 3059 Star Bits, 16 Lives

This Star took me three attempts. We reach the pipe, sling, and launch four times to the egg. We got the Life Shroom for the battle. We get in all four hits, leaving us with one remaining health bar.
Star Get #100, 1 Coin, 3064 Star Bits, 37 Lives

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