Monday, December 26, 2011

Beach Bowl Galaxy - Beachcombing for Purple Coins

Welcome to the Galaxy!
The Purple Coins are scattered all over the main planet; underwater, in the air, and on top of the planet. Check the tops of all of the palm trees; some of the less obvious coins are there. We can reach some coins using the swing and the vine. In the middle of the water is a rock with a Purple Coin, so we wall-jump and spin to reach it. There's a Spring Shroom on the planet, so we can reach the coin high behind the waterfall and spring to the top parts of the planet for more coins. There is a white circular rock with coins high above it. We need to spring to reach them. There are more Purple Coins at the very top of the planet. The Star appears by the coach.
Star Get #112, Galaxy Complete!, 2189 Star Bits, 15 Lives

We search high and low over the planet and find all 100 coins in the same locations.
Star Get #112, Galaxy Complete!, 2143 Star Bits, 25 Lives

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