Saturday, August 28, 2010

Battle Belt Galaxy - Snacktime for Gobblegut

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
We land on a rock planet that has the same music as Space Storm. There is one Goomba on the planet. We kill it and it releases a Sling Star and sling to the next planet. There is a sign on the planet that says we have to defeat every enemy to get through. That spells out clearly what must be done. This planet has lava pools with lava demons. We kill all 3 and long jump over a pool to get the Comet Medal. We sling to the next planet, where we use a Fire Flower to take out 3 urchins. We released the Sling Star, but pick up a Fire Flower for the next planet, just in case. It was a good call, because the next planet is crawling with crabs. Grilled crab, any one? Two of the crabs are red and the other is blue. Taking out this one gives us a 1-up. The rest of the fireballs travel all around the planet. We sling to a pink Starshroom. The Luma who made the Starship must've made one for every Toad in the Brigade. There is a midgate on the Starshroom. Pink Toad says he's searching for the Captain, but there are enemies everywhere.
We sling to a stone planet shaped like a Jack 'o' lantern. There are pumpkin Goombas and a green pipe in a cage we can unlock with a key. One of the Goombas has the key. We use the green pipe and find ourselves in the water with 3 Boos in a 2D antfarm. The background is a jack 'o' lantern pattern. There is a shell at the bottom which we use to kill the Boos and release the Sling Star outside. We sling to a red Starshroom, where we find the Captain. He says a Captain should never be scared, even surrounded by enemies. But he's taking a break right now. We trip the midgate and sling to an ice planet. There, a hungry Luma wants 20 coins. We're in luck- we have 21! We feed him and he turns into a brown, spherical planet. We launch and the sky, formerly dark, turns bright pink and yellow, like a sunset. Who should appear but Gobblegut! Not just any Gobblegut- this is an orange, flaming, fiery Gobblegut! The only think safe to touch are his bellyache bulges. I get in 3 hits, but I miss a few and hit his body enough times and die.
Take 2- I buy a Life Shroom from the Luma Shop and sling to the ice planet and launch to his planet. I take 2 hits from him and notice that there are lava pools we must navigate as well. I get in 3 hits, but take enough hits to lose the Life Shroom. I noticed that Gobblegut creates the lava pools when he dives. I took two more hits, but got in the last 3 hits with one bar of health left. Phew! I hope there's a Grand Star from this! But no! he explodes into a regular Star. I beat a flaming Gobblegut and get a regular Star! Not worth the effort I put in! (But I'll take it anyway.)
Star Get #76, 39 Comet Medals, 140 Star Bits, 1451 Coins, 12 Lives

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