Saturday, August 28, 2010

Puzzle Plank Galaxy - Purple Coin Shadow Vault

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
I noticed that I was getting towards the end of the game, and I counted the Stars I hadn't gotten yet. Those numbers plus my total did not add up to 120. What is missing? Then I remembered: Purple Coins. These missions can be really annoying, especially timed ones. I found my first mission here in Puzzle Plank. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Cosmic Clones? The Shadow knows! We land in the green pipe where we got a lot of coins to feed the hungry Luma. This time, there are purple coins arranged in similar clusters and we have a one minute time limit! Only one minute! Will that be enough? As soon as we go to collect them, Cosmic Clones appear. I was nervous enough, but that, and the Purple Coin music (same as in Galaxy) starts playing, which makes me even more nervous. While running around to collect the 100 coins- there are only 100 here, but in every Purple Coin mission, you must collect 100 to get the Star- I took only one hit from a Cosmic Clone, despite the fact that the coins are arranged in clusters so we must circle around to get them. I had 20 seconds or less to spare when I collected the last one. That wasn't so bad! The Cosmic Clones also exploded into many Star Bits. I think a beta version of this mission appeared in the E3 trailer.
Star Get #82, Galaxy Complete!, 528 Star Bits, 35 Lives
A Comet appears in Flip-Swap. (Speaking of the E3 trailer, I rewatched it, and some of the stuff in it isn't in the game. There is one last area I haven't been to, but that's not until I collect all the Stars.)

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