Sunday, August 29, 2010

Starshine Beach Galaxy - Purple Coin Beach Dash

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
There are 140 Purple Coins. You must get at least 100 of them. You get Yoshi and some Dash Peppers. You have 35 seconds. Go!
Shortest Purple Coin mission ever! The coins are lined up in rows of 2 or 3, with strategically placed Dash Peppers in groups of 2 or 3. Even though you have 35 seconds, you can only bank on having about 30 to get the coins because it takes time to get Yoshi and the first Dash pepper. When getting Yoshi, it is best to long jump to him and jump on his shell, versus spinning, which takes longer. It is also best to always keep the Star Pointer on the screen at all times, so you can grab a Dash Pepper for Yoshi. You only need to lightly tilt the joystick to stay in the line of coins. The Hightail Falls music plays throughout. The Piantas are gone. On my first try, I got 75 coins before time ran out.
Take 2- 64 coins.
Take 3- 75 coins. I had difficulty steering Yoshi.
Take 4- 94 coins. So close! Bad steering and Yoshi stalling in the water prevented me from getting 100.
Take 5- 91 coins. See Take 4 reasons. Yoshi does a painfully slow doggie paddle in the water. This is why the Star Pointer must remain on screen- so you can get Yoshi moving again without wasting time.
Take 6- 67 coins. Bad swimming.
Take 7- 88 coins. Bad steering.
Take 8- 85 coins. Bad steering.
Take 9- 92 coins. My Dash Pepper ran out just before the time did.
Take 10- 87 coins. Dash Pepper ran out. My left hand is tingling at this point. I don't think this is a good sign. After a short rest, I continue.
Take 11- 103 coins. I had less than 10 seconds left when I got the last few coins. Time stops afterwards, so I decided to go back and get all 140 coins. There is no bonus for doing so.
Star Get #87, Galaxy Complete!, 6 Lives

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