Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cloudy Court Galaxy - The Shadow Lining

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
It took me a while to get the pun in the mission name. We see several blocks like in Space Junk that will form a path only when we approach the area in the path that they are supposed to fill. We collect Launch Star Chips after the patch of grass. After leaving the grass, Cosmic Clones appear. Goodie! The music is a remix of the Fast Foes/ Cosmic Mario/Luigi music. Once we collect all the Star Chips, the Clones poof. We launch to another area, which is a 2D area. More Clones appear as we run across the platforms and wall jump to a Sling Star, where the Clones poof again. We sling near the Star, where more Clones appear. We have to break the crystal to free the Star and poof the Clones. While breaking the crystal, I took one hit.
Star Get #69, Galaxy Complete!, 732 Star Bits, 1391 Coins, 18 Lives
A Comet appears Puzzle Plank.

1 comment:

  1. Dammit! It appears that the mysterious stalker plywood is still commenting!! I have no idea how to change that....
