Sunday, July 11, 2010

Beat Block Galaxy - Step to the Beep

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
This is a really cool concept for a galaxy. There are two sets of blocks- yellow and green-that alternate to the music. I like the music here. It's a remix of the Underground theme (think of music in 1-2 from the original Super Mario Bros). It's one of my favorite remixes of the Underground theme. The music beeps (it's more like a whistle) three times (which is after each measure of the song), and the blocks flash just before they are about switch. There are enemies on the blocks, but they don't fall through when the blocks switch. If you're patient, this should not be a too difficult level. I took a hit from a blue Octoomba. I got the Comet Medal and a 1-up in the crystal. There are safe platforms that don't disappear. I reached the midgate. We then find out the true mission of this galaxy- it's a Silver Star mission. They are on safe platforms on a series of blocks arranged in a pyramid. I barely survived getting the Silver Stars, taking a few hits from the blue Octoombas. Once you get all 5 Silver Stars, the blocks stop alternating, so every other block is missing when you try to reach the Star at the top.
Star Get #32, 18 Comet Medals, 209 Star Bits, 850 Coins, 10 Lives
There is a Comet in Hightail Falls Galaxy. We get a purple, pink, black letter from Jibberjay- the orange bird in Wild Glide who says everything twice. There is a race at Wild Glide Galaxy-don't chicken out, don't wait. We'll race later.

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