Monday, July 12, 2010

Sky Station Galaxy- Peewee Piranha's Speed Run

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
After failing to wrest the Grand Star from Bowser Jr., I decided to check out some of the Comets. It's a speed run, so we get a set amount of time to go through the galaxy, and get the Star before the time runs out. Simple enough. How much time to I get to beat Peewee? 20 seconds? Are you kidding me? There is NO way I can go through the entire galaxy and beat Peewee in under 20 seconds. Looking around, though, there are clocks scattered about. Each clock adds 10 seconds to our allotted time. I got the 1-up on the first planet and ran out of time and died. I did not realize just yet that the clocks are lined up in a prescribed path that we should follow so we don't run out of time.
Take 2- I got three of the clocks, but I fell in a black hole. We skip most of the planets- it goes first planet, then cylinder planet with the carts, then Peewee's planet.
Take 3- I got almost all of the clocks. I launched to Peewee's planet, where there are more clocks. I take a hit from Peewee, but finish him off with about 16 seconds to go. I won't be sure of times anymore, because once the Star is released, the timer stops. That wasn't so bad!
Star Get #34, Galaxy Complete! 427 Star Bits, 886 Coins, 10 Lives

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