Sunday, July 18, 2010

Supermassive Galaxy - Huge Trouble with Big Wigglers

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
It's TinyHuge Galaxy- where you're tiny, and everything else is huge. It has a remix of the Toy Time music. Everything is big here, including the Lumas. We start off on huge brick blocks, and long jump over the gap to get the Comet Medal. There is a giant rotating coin nearby. We can't get it, but it will provide another surface so we can wall-jump up. We dodge a huge Piranha Plant and take a rising green pipe up to another set of blocks. We long jump for a 1-up and have to avoid even larger Thwomps.
We launch to a circular planet that is a 2D sidescroller. There are large green Koopas and a drill, which we use to dispatch them. We have to walk just to the right of the opposite side they're on so we can take them out with our drill. Doing so flips them over and they explode into a coin. We release a Launch Star when all 3 are gone.
We reach the midgate, where a large Luma lets us know that our spin can take out even the giant Paragoomba. We walk across giant Launch Star Chips and take out the Paragoomba as instructed. We pass 2 Piranha Plants and another Paragoomba and double launch to a new planet. We'll check the planet that we skipped later.
There are several giant Wigglers walking around the inside of a giant cyclone stone. I decide to take it safe and walk around to the connecting stone platforms. I take a hit from a red Wiggler. I long jumped to the end platform with a flagpole. On top is a Star. I jump, fall onto another platform and try again. This time, I missed and fell into a Black Hole.
Take 2- I made it through the cyclone stone and reached the flagpole. I found out what I did wrong- I didn't jump from a handstand-otherwise, you'll rotate around, instead of jumping straight up. I jumped from a handstand and got the Star.
Star Get #38, 22 Comet Medals, 364 Star Bits, 10 Lives
A Comet appeared in Bowser's Lava Lair. Wait a second! This isn't supposed to happen! There aren't any Comets in Grand Star levels!! Because I have some difficulty with these levels, I will put off the Comets until I am ready.

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