Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flipsville Galaxy - Flipsville's New Digs

Welcome Back to the Galaxy!
We land back in the farmhouse cube, and notice that it is dirty, falling apart, and potentially charred. The grates have been replaced with patches of dirt and Mecha-Koopas. There are drills nearby so we can drill through the dirt patches. I complete the Bonus Area for 3 1-ups. I reach the top of the house and drill nearby for a 1-up. Red Toad is once again at the top of the house. He says the Brigade bailed on him because they got scared. He's scared, too. We launch to the midgate.
On this planet, we find a similar drill challenge to that on Spin-Dig. We drill through the towers until we reach a pipe. It takes us to a 2D ant farm of a house of 9 squares. The music from Beat Block plays; this time, it controls the gravity arrows. There are only two directions the arrows can turn in each room. It's another Silver Star mission. I get a 1-up. There are Fuzzies populating the house. I get all 5 Silver Stars (each in a different room) and take a hit from a Fuzzy. The Star appears in the center room, so we have to drill at good times to reach it.
Star Get #42, 834 Star Bits, 1021 Coins, 17 Lives

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